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Can You File A Personal Injury Claim If You Didn’t Go To A Doctor?


As you may know, seeking medical attention immediately after an accident plays a huge role in the success of your personal injury case. If you have been injured in a car accident or any other accident, it is in your best interests to get medical care as soon as possible to start the treatment right away and document your injuries.

Your failure to go to a doctor following your accident can jeopardize your personal injury claim in Florida. Contact a Miami personal injury lawyer if you have been injured because of someone else’s negligence but failed to seek medical attention right away. Our attorneys at Pita Weber Del Prado will take the necessary steps to protect your rights.

Are You Required to Go to a Doctor After an Accident in Florida?

The short answer is “Yes.” Florida has the so-called 14-day rule, which requires injured parties to seek medical attention within 14 days of their accident. The rule is codified at Fla. Stat. § 627.736. If you fail to comply with the 14-day rule, the insurance company may deny your claim for compensation.

Thus, it is best to visit an emergency room or your doctor within the first two weeks of your accident, even if you feel completely fine. Some injuries may not be immediately visible, while symptoms may take days or weeks to appear.

If you do not want your insurance company to deny your personal injury claim, you should receive medical care as soon as possible after your accident in Florida.

What Type of Medical Care Qualifies as Initial Services and Care?

Florida law specifically states that an injured party must receive “initial services and care” within the first two weeks following their accident or incident. Failure to receive those initial services and care can result in the denial of their claim for compensation.

Most types of medical care that victims of accidents receive after being injured meet the requirement of “initial services and care.” However, Florida law requires the medical care to come from a qualified healthcare provider such as a medical doctor, an emergency medical technician, a dentist, and a chiropractor.

However, going to a massage or physical therapist or other healthcare providers may not qualify as “initial services and care” under Florida’s 14-day rule.

Seek Medical Attention Right Away if You Were Injured

It is in your best interests to visit a doctor after being involved in an accident to determine the extent of your injuries, begin medical treatment as soon as possible to ensure the most positive outcome possible, and strengthen your personal injury case.

You need proof of your injuries and medical bills after an accident to get reimbursed for your losses and damages. For this reason, it is critical to go to a doctor immediately after your accident to protect your rights and ensure that you are fairly compensated for your financial losses and non-economic damages.

Schedule a case review with our personal injury attorneys at Pita Weber Del Prado to discuss your situation. Let our lawyers help you obtain compensation even if you failed to seek medical attention right away. Call 305-670-2889.


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