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Distracted Driving Awareness Helps To Prevent Car Accidents In Miami


One of the leading causes of car accidents in Miami is distracted driving. Talking on cell phones, texting, or engaging in any activity that diverts your attention from the road endangers you and others. Each year during the Spring, state and national safety officials launch a public service campaign to raise awareness regarding the risks. Find out more about common types of distracted driving behaviors and ways you can protect yourself.

Raising Awareness of Distracted Driving  

The National Safety Council (NSC) warns that distracted driving claims the lives of roughly eight people each day and leaves hundreds of other victims suffering serious personal injuries. To call attention to the risks, the month of April is designated as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month.

Most drivers are aware that driving while texting or talking on their cell phone is dangerous. However, even if they refrain from making calls or answering messages, there are other common distracted driving behaviors they are likely to engage in. These include:

  • Checking emails or social media;
  • Taking pictures or videos;
  • Changing GPS and car stereo settings;
  • Eating fast food or drinking coffee and other beverages;
  • Handing things to children in the back seat;
  • Talking to passengers;
  • Daydreaming or making plans for what you will do later in the day or once you reach your destination.

Three Types Of Driving Distractions

Despite the fact that it is something many of us do every day, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that driving is a complex task. Navigating local traffic and being able to respond to unexpected changes in road or weather conditions requires our complete attention.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are three common types of driver distractions that can increase car accident risks:

  • Visual distractions, which cause you to take your eyes off the road;
  • Manual distractions, which cause cause you to take your hands off the steering wheel;
  • Cognitive distractions, which take your attention away from tasks associated with driving and what is going on around you.

Handheld devices are particularly dangerous as they involve all three types of distractions. Under the Florida Statutes, texting and talking on cell phones is a primary traffic offense, meaning officers can pull you over and ticket you even if you have committed no other violation.

To protect yourself against distracted driving car accidents, put away all devices and focus on the task at hand.  Be alert for signs that other drivers may be distracted, such as riding on the shoulder or weaving in and out of their lane, and allow them plenty of space.

Our Miami Car Accident Lawyers Help You Get Compensation In A Claim 

Injured due to the actions of a distracted driver? At Pita Weber Del Prado, we help you get the compensation you are entitled to in a claim. Give us a call at 305-670-2889 or contact our Miami car accident lawyers online and request a consultation today.,injured%20in%20distraction%2Daffected%20crashes.

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