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Fall Time Changes Increase Miami Car Accident Risks


While fall is a favorite time of year, it also means a loss in daylight hours. The sun is setting earlier, and with upcoming time changes, it will be dark by 5:30 p.m. Unfortunately, this creates two problems on the road: it decreases visibility and makes motorists more tired. As a result, car accidents in Miami are likely to become more common. Find out steps you can take to reduce your risks. 

Night Driving A Problem For Many Motorists

On Sunday, November 5, 2023, we will be setting their clocks back an hour, effectively ending Daylight Saving Time for another year. For many drivers, it will be dark when they commute to and from work, while running errands, and during evening social activities. 

Driving at night is difficult in general and when you add in potential night blindness, a common problem for many people, it is easy to see how car accidents are more likely to happen. To decrease your risks, follow these tips: 

  • Turn your dashboard lights down, which helps your eyes better adjust;
  • Keep your windshield clean, which can help reduce glare;
  • Avoid staring directly at street lamps or into the headlights of other motorists;
  • If driving at night is particularly difficult, rely on ridesharing services instead;
  • Have your vision checked and advise your doctor on any problems you have with night blindness. 

Drowsy Driving A Problem During Time Changes

Setting our clocks back means it will get dark earlier. Drivers need time to adjust to this change, as well as to potential disruptions in their routines or sleep schedules. According to the National Sleep Foundation, time changes have an impact on the body’s circadian rhythms. 

While we may enjoy an extra hour of sleep when we ‘fall back’ an hour in November, we are likely to be more tired in the weeks after as our bodies struggle to readjust. It is important to be aware of this disruption, as being tired makes you more accident-prone and is particularly dangerous behind the wheel. 

Drowsy driving causes the same impacts as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and is a common factor in car accidents in Miami. To reduce your risks, follow these tips: 

  • Making getting a full eight hours of sleep a top priority;
  • Be aware of how even an hour of missed sleep could impact your driving abilities;
  • If you feel tired while driving, roll down your window and let fresh air into the vehicle;
  • If you start nodding off, pull over and rest for 10` to 15 minutes;
  • Seek treatment for insomnia or other sleep disorders;
  • Be aware of how medications you may be taking could contribute to the problem.  

Contact Our Miami Car Accident Lawyers

Car accidents in Miami can leave you suffering serious personal injuries. To get the compensation you need to recover, contact Pita Weber & Del Prado. Reach out and call 305-670-2889 to request a consultation with our Miami car accident lawyer today.


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