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Injuries to Mothers during Childbirth


Carrying and delivering a child is one the hardest things a woman will ever do. It puts persistent and acute physical demands on the body that culminate in childbirth, a process that naturally puts both mother and baby in danger of injury or death. Modern medical personnel are supposed to reduce these risks by attending births, assessing when danger is present or approaching, and taking swift action to avoid harm. Unfortunately, the proper protocols are not always followed, and medical malpractice may be an issue if an injury occurred. Childbirth is an inherently dangerous process where things can go wrong, despite component medical care, but there are circumstances that also occur that indicate negligence may have played a role in the injury. A recent joint study between researchers in the U.S. and Canada looked at State restrictions on the ability of midwives to offer their services, and the relative positive or negative outcome for baby and mother. Researchers found that areas where midwives could more easily become involved in prenatal care and delivery, the outcomes were better. Birth injuries are more often associated with infants, but mothers have their own concerns during and just following delivery that can endanger their health and life. A discussion of the childbirth injuries mothers often experience as a result of malpractice, and the types of compensation she may be able to recover, will follow below.

Common Injuries Mothers Suffer during Childbirth

There is no way to get around the risks that come with having a child, but doctors and other medical professionals have a duty to ensure their involvement does not create additional unnecessary risk. Obstetricians are most frequently sued for medical malpractice, likely due to the catastrophic injuries errors can cause in the mother and child. Looking specifically at the most common injuries women in childbirth suffer when medical malpractice occurs, the following are examples of complications that can arise when a doctor or medical staff is negligent:

  • vaginal tears or lacerations;
  • uterine infections, often caused by negligence when inducing labor;
  • infections from failing to clean or properly close incisions or tears;
  • failing to identify possible placenta abnormalities;
  • injuries from failing to perform or offer a C-section delivery;
  • uterine eruptions from mothers trying vaginal birth after a C-section, or from drugs to induce labor; and
  • abnormal uterine bleeding.

These types of injuries are serious, and directly impact the mother’s ability to care for the child, often requiring additional surgeries, physical therapies and medications. They can also provoke mental distress that leads to depression, another complication that interferes with childcare.


While an injured mother is rightfully focused on getting better for the sake of her child, she still deserves compensation if the harm she experienced was due to the medical provider’s negligent behavior. Damages or the types of financial and emotional losses that an injured mother may be able to recover include:

  • medical treatment;
  • lost wages;
  • physical therapy;
  • home health aides;
  • counseling;
  • physical pain; and
  • emotional suffering.

An experienced medical malpractice attorney will be able to advise on the damages that may be available in a particular case, and the strength of a claim generally.

Contact a Medical Malpractice Attorney

Childbirth is traumatic enough without the added issues of complications due to medical malpractice. If you experienced negligent medical treatment, contact the experienced Miami attorneys at Pita Weber Del Prado. We know how to build and litigate a strong case, giving you the best chance at recovering the compensation you deserve. Contact us for a free consultation.


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