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Miami Injury Lawyer > Blog > Case Results > Medical Malpractice Case – Physical therapist breaks patient’s knee cap

Medical Malpractice Case – Physical therapist breaks patient’s knee cap

Our client, Jane Doe, was 70 years old who suffered from severe arthritis in her knee. As a result, doctors recommended that she have a total knee replacement. The surgery was a great success and it looked as if Jane Doe would soon be walking pain free – something that she hadn’t done in year!

As part of her recovery, Jane Doe underwent regular physical therapy. About six weeks after the surgery, Jane Doe had a physical therapist who had never worked on her before. During a particular range of motion exercise, this therapist pushed Jane Doe beyond her limits. Jane Doe was screaming and pleaded with the therapist to stop. Unfortunately, by the time the therapist stopped it was too late. Jane Doe’s knee was bleeding. Although the therapist told Jane Doe that it was just her wound that had “opened up,” in reality, the therapist broke Jane Doe’s kneecap. To make matters worse, this was an “open fracture,” meaning that the broken bones broke through Jane Doe’s skin. Jane Doe underwent an additional surgery to repair for her knee.

The Weber Law firm conducted a medical malpractice pre-suit investigation pursuant to Florida law and thereafter filed suit on Jane Doe’s behalf against the physical therapist. Shortly before trial, the parties mediated the case as ordered by the Court. The lawyers for the Weber Law Firm were able to recover the maximum amount of damages available under Florida’s Medical Malpractice damage caps.

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