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Miami Injury Lawyer > Miami Negligent Security Lawyer


Property owners do have a responsibility to take steps to protect their customers and tenants from foreseeable harm. Mall or shopping center owners, for example, know the crime level in the area; they know how many criminal acts have occurred and where they have occurred on the premises. The owners know you don’t know any of this. But they want your business. If you are a tenant, the owner wants your rent. For this reason, the law recognizes that property owners have a level of responsibility to protect you. Contact our Miami negligent security lawyers for more information.

Issues that we investigate in criminal assault and negligent security cases include:

  • Security guard presence
  • Lighting – adequacy and sufficiency
  • Adequate Security cameras
  • All available surveillance video
  • Crime grids obtained from police departments and other sources showing reported criminal activity in the area
  • Prior incidents
  • Seasonal considerations: For example, the need to beef up security during the holiday season


At Pita Weber Del Prado, every case starts out with a certified letter, fax and email fired off to the defendant and their insurer to preserve all evidence – particularly all video surveillance. We then go beyond that to track down witnesses, search for and seize all available information in order to do everything we can to discover the facts and put the clients whom we are honored to represent in the best position to win. It would be an honor to discuss your case with you. Contact our Miami negligent security lawyers now.

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