Minor injured in ATV Crash Recovers $1.8 Million

In December 2017, a tragic ATV crash resulted in very serious personal injuries to our minor client, John Doe. At first glance, there was very limited insurance coverage from which to compensate our client. In fact, it appeared that there was only $220,000 in insurance proceeds (which would have to be divided among 3 claimants). Through creative thinking and aggressive advocacy, Pita Weber Del Prado partner and lead attorney, Randy Weber, uncovered multiple sources of insurance proceeds resulting in a recovery of nearly $1.8 for John Doe. Following resolution of his claim, PWD coordinated and assisted John Doe in setting up a structured settlement that was approved by the Court and will result in payments of money and provide financial support to our client for many, many years to come. We are grateful for the opportunity to have assisted John Doe. Despite his serious injuries, John Doe, through hard work, dedication and the love and support of his family, has made and continues making an excellent recovery. We wish him the best and look forward to seeing where his bright future takes him.