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Miami Injury Lawyer > Blog > Case Results > PWD Obtains 1.1 Million in Semi-Truck Crash Case in Pensacola

PWD Obtains 1.1 Million in Semi-Truck Crash Case in Pensacola


On the morning of September 28, 2017, a semi-truck driver created mayhem in Pensacola. The driver lost control of the truck while driving at an excessive speed. He was attempting to burn through a yellow light. The driver veered into oncoming traffic, first striking the side of one pick-up truck, then veered further, crushing another pick-up truck, after hitting it head on.

PWD represented three injured victims in the crash. The semi-truck driver vehemently denied that he was running a red light. He told witnesses that a vehicle turned in front of him, causing him to steer away. He also told witnesses that his tire had blown out. Pita Weber Del Prado undertook a detailed and thorough investigation to discover the truth.

Our investigation included interviewing 8 eyewitnesses, securing the services of an expert trucking reconstructionist, and securing a video from a nearby convenience store. The video, obtained by Attorney Skip Pita, proved critical in the investigation because the truck’s “black box,” which would have provided speed information, was destroyed in the crash. The video provided three different angles of the truck as it approached the intersection. The video clearly demonstrated that the truck was traveling at excessive speed. With that video, our expert was able to determine approximate truck speed, which was excessive. Together with the video, eyewitness accounts, and expert reconstruction – including drone photograph of the accident scene, the attorneys at PWD were able to build a strong case and establish that the semi-truck was the cause of this very serious accident. PWD then recovered the $1 Million Dollar liability policy on the truck on behalf of their clients.

Additionally, PWD recovered $100,000 more from underinsured coverage on the work pick-up that they were riding in.

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