PWD Partner, Randy Weber teams up with good friend, colleague and trial attorney, Hilton Napoleon, II, to obtain $520,000.00 Jury Verdict for Civil Rights Violation (42 USC Section 1983).

Partner, Randy Weber, had the privilege and honor of working with Hilton Napoleon, II, and his client, Susan Khoury recently in the case of Susan Khoury v. Miami Dade County School Board and Gregory Williams, which was pending in Federal Court in the Southern District of Florida. By way of background, Ms. Khoury was unlawfully “Baker Acted” by Miami Dade County School Board Police Officer, Gregory Williams. As a result, Ms. Khoury suffered physical and emotional injuries. After a 3 day trial, the Jury found in favor of Ms. Khoury, awarding her substantial damages for her pain and suffering. This case was particularly tricky given that the presiding trial judge had previously entered “Summary Judgment” against Ms. Khoury, requiring that the case be appealed to the 11thCircuit Court of Appeal. Through tenacity, faith and hard work, Hilton Napoleon, II, won the appeal, got the decision reversed and after a hard-fought battle, vindicated his client’s rights.
PWD is proud to have assisted in obtaining justice for Ms. Khoury.