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Miami Injury Lawyer > Blog > Case Results > PWD Successfully Resolves 7-Figure Case Result For Client Injured In Car Accident

PWD Successfully Resolves 7-Figure Case Result For Client Injured In Car Accident

It was a beautiful holiday weekend and Ms. Smith (not our client’s real name) was driving home after attending a friend’s party. As she drove on a straight road at a safe speed, another vehicle pulled out in front of her unexpectedly, violating her right of way. Without enough time and space to avoid the other vehicle, a crash occurred between the two vehicles.

Unfortunately, Ms. Smith sustained a significant leg injury that required surgery and extensive rehabilitation. The driver of the “at-fault car” did not have nearly enough automobile insurance coverage to compensate Ms. Smith fully for her injuries. And while Ms. Smith had her policy of automobile insurance, her insurance carrier denied her Underinsured Motorist Claim.

PWD sued the insurance carrier, fighting to establish that Ms. Smith did have underinsured motorist coverage. Meanwhile, Ms. Smith worked hard to recover from her injuries. She attended physical therapy religiously. She performed home exercises. And despite the pain, inconvenience and many setbacks, Ms. Smith always maintained a positive, “can-do” attitude. As a devoted, hard-working professional, she continued in her career throughout the entire ordeal.

And so did PWD. Following litigation, PWD successfully resolved Ms. Smith’s claims for 7-Figures. We are honored that Ms. Smith selected PWD to represent her. She is an honorable, pillar of our community. And an excellent example of perseverance.

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