Skip Pita and Shannon Del Prado Find the Video at Scene. Recover $235K for War Veteran

Mr. S is a war veteran. In 2023, Mr. S patiently waited for the green light. After it turned green, he proceeded into the intersection when a barreling F250 ran a red light and T-boned him. Mr. S was taken to the hospital for broken ribs and a battering to his body. He required short term rehabilitation to recover. Meanwhile, at the scene with the police, the F250 driver asserted the green light was in her favor. But Mr. S was not interviewed since he was taken to the hospital. Quickly, the F250’s insurance carrier denied responsibility. Once retained, Shannon and Skip immediately went to the scene. One mom and pop grocery store happened to have one camera pointed toward the intersection. Skip and Shannon secured the manager’s cooperation and combed through the video database and found the crash. The video proved that Mr. S had the green light, and even waited 2 seconds before proceeding through the intersection. Skip and Shannon secured a $225K settlement for Mr. S, thanks to finding and securing the video.
At PWD, we do not waste time looking for video evidence. Video evidence is usually erased and gone within 15-30 days.
Other Notable, Recent Recoveries by Skip Pita and Shannon Del Prado
$350K in Medical Negligence Case. Case originally rejected by two other firms.
$350K in boat dock negligence case for hip and back injuries.
$150K from Retailer for Knee Injury. Video Evidence of liquid on floor for excessive amount of time.
$145K from local municipality for shoulder injury. It took litigation and tenacity to get there. But PWD made it happen.