Skip Pita Elected to Florida Justice Assoc. Board
In June 2013, Skip Pita was elected to the Board of the Florida Justice Association. Also in 2013, Skip and his partner, Shannon Del Prado, received the FJA’s “Shoe Leather Award” for their advocacy during the 2013 Legislative session.
The FJA, formerly the Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers, is dedicated to strengthening and upholding Florida’s civil justice system and protecting the rights of Florida’s citizens and consumers. The FJA believes that all Floridians benefit when deserving individuals have a fair chance to seek justice in our state’s courts and that Florida’s consumers are made safer when large corporations and industries are held to a high ethical standard and accept fair responsibility for their actions.
FJA works in the legislative, political and public arenas to ensure that Floridians know and understand the importance of their rights to justice and to make certain that these rights, which are at the very core of what it means to be American, are safeguarded and protected.
At PDM, we are proud to be associated with the FJA and part of its leadership.