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Miami Injury Lawyer > Blog > Insurance Dispute > Top Causes Of Denied And Disputed Insurance Claims

Top Causes Of Denied And Disputed Insurance Claims


Unexpected events can leave you suffering major property damages and potentially serious personal injuries. Financial losses you suffer as a result can impact you and your loved ones for years into the future. Unfortunately, while insurance is designed to protect you in this situation, it is not uncommon for insurance claims to be denied or disputed. Our Miami insurance dispute lawyer explains some of the top causes.

Five Common Reasons Insurers Deny or Dispute Miami Insurance Claims

Property, health, auto, and life insurance are all common types of coverage many people have in place. However, when purchasing these policies, it is important to use caution.

The Florida Division of Consumer Affairs offers insurance information guides that can help you in determining the type and amount of coverage you need and which insurance company to deal with. Reviewing these in advance can help to prevent problems when it comes to filing a claim. Unfortunately, insurance disputes and denials are common. The following are five common reasons:

  1. Disputes over terms of coverage. 

Being unfamiliar with the terms of your coverage, policy limits, and exemptions is one of the leading causes of denied or disputed insurance claims in Miami. When purchasing a policy, carefully reviewing the summary of benefits can help protect your rights when filing future claims.

  1. Claiming your actions were to blame. 

Insurance companies are for-profit businesses. One of the ways they protect their bottom line is by avoiding payouts on claims. A common tactic is to blame you for violating the terms of coverage by either causing or contributing to an incident. When dealing with insurance representation, avoid admitting any amount of liability.

  1. Lack of documentation. 

When an accident or other mishap occurs, make sure to report it to the proper authorities and carefully document any injuries or property damages you suffer. Consider future expenses you are likely to incur as well. Failure to gather the evidence needed in support of your claim is a common reason for denials and disputes. 

  1. Failure to adhere to policy rules and requirements.

Insurance companies typically have strict rules and regulations that must be followed. Failure to comply with even the most seemingly minor terms of your policy could have a major impact on your rights to benefits.

  1. Administrative errors and mistakes. 

Insurance companies can make mistakes. If your claim is denied or disputed, it could be due to a relatively simple administrative error. To protect your rights in dealing with insurers and to prevent denied or disputed claims, the Insurance Information Institute (III) recommends consulting with an experienced lawyer.

Get Our Miami Insurance Dispute Lawyers On Your Side

At Pita Weber & Del Prado, our Miami insurance dispute lawyer acts as a strong legal advocate on your side, helping to prevent denied or disputed claims. Before making any statements to insurers or signing any documents, reach out to our legal team firm. Call 305-670-2889 or contact our office online and request a consultation today.


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