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Miami Injury Lawyer > Video FAQs > Can any lawyer handle a Florida medical malpractice case?

Can any lawyer handle a Florida medical malpractice case?

Video Transcription:

Can any lawyer in Florida handle a medical malpractice case? Not really. Florida medical malpractice cases are very different than say, an auto crash case. An auto crash case you can sue tomorrow, not medical malpractice. In medical malpractice, we have an entire different procedure that’s been laid out by the legislature that we have to follow. For example, we’ve got to get all the medical records to begin with, then we have to get an affidavit from an expert that verifies that medical malpractice occurred here.

Once we have that affidavit we have to notify the other side that we have a medical malpractice claim, that initiates what’s called the “Pre-suit period”. That goes on for a period of 90 days. Throughout this whole procedure there are a lot of pitfalls and procedures that are in place and if you’re not familiar with those procedures it can lead to trouble. You need to look for a lawyer who is familiar with and knows medical malpractice law and procedure before you decide to hire someone.

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