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Miami Injury Lawyer > Video FAQs > Can I recover from a Florida store for injuries sustained when I slipped on a spilled liquid and fell?

Can I recover from a Florida store for injuries sustained when I slipped on a spilled liquid and fell?

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If you injured yourself as a result of there being liquid on the floor in a Florida store, you would be able to recover only under certain circumstances. For example, if somebody is walking in front of you and they spill water and you don’t notice it and then you slip and fall, it would be hard to say that the Florida store knew that that liquid is on the ground.

On the other hand, if you’re walking in the frozen food aisle and you slip and fall and then after you’re on the ground, you notice that there’s a stream of water coming from underneath the freezer, it would be easier to prove that the store knew or should have known of that dangerous condition.

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