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Miami Injury Lawyer > Video FAQs > Can I rely on the NTSB investigation report to prove the cause of a Florida plane accident?

Can I rely on the NTSB investigation report to prove the cause of a Florida plane accident?

Video Transcription:

The NTSB does make a report, a final report, on every airplane crash in the country, small planes, big planes. Now, can you use that crash report at trial to help prove your case? Some of it you can, some of it you cannot. For example, you can use the facts that were determined by the NTSB to help prove your case. What you cannot use are the alternate opinions or the conclusions of the crash at the NTSB. For that, we have our own experts that can take the facts that the NTSB found and the expert can then reach his own conclusions or her own conclusions in the trial.

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