What to Do When My Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage Runs Out?

If you have been injured in a car accident, your own Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance will cover your medical bills and lost wages regardless of fault. But what if your PIP coverage runs out?
How can you recover additional damages after exhausting your PIP coverage in Florida?
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage Can Run Out
Unfortunately, medical bills can add up quickly if you have been involved in a Miami car accident. It would not take long for your PIP coverage to run out, especially if you have suffered a serious or catastrophic injury.
In fact, you could exhaust your PIP coverage in the days or weeks following your car accident. That is why you need to understand your options on how to pay your bill when your PIP coverage runs out.
How Does Personal Injury Protection Insurance Work in Florida?
Florida is a no-fault auto insurance state that requires drivers to carry Personal Injury Protection coverage. Injured parties are entitled to compensation for their medical bills and loss of income regardless of fault.
Fla. Stat. § 627.736 requires drivers to purchase at least $10,000 in PIP coverage. When you are involved in a car crash, you have to file a PIP claim with your own insurance company to obtain compensation for medical expenses and lost wages up to policy limits.
PIP benefits cover up to 80% of your medical bills and 60% of loss of income, up to $10,000. If your damages exceed the PIP policy limit, you can recover additional damages through other sources.
How to Pay Medical Bills After PIP Coverage Runs Out?
Many people who have PIP insurance, health insurance, and Medicare wonder which coverage will kick in first to cover their damages and losses. If you have been involved in a car crash or were injured as a pedestrian, PIP coverage always comes first.
Your health insurance and Medicare may deny coverage for your medical bills after a car crash until your Personal Injury Protection coverage is exhausted. Once your PIP coverage runs out, your health insurance will kick in to cover the remaining bills.
In most cases, injured victims have to pay for their medical treatment out of pocket after the PIP coverage is exhausted and before health insurance kicks in.
You Could Sue the At-Fault Driver to Recover Additional Damages
While Florida law requires car accident victims to file a claim with their own insurance company to obtain compensation, you may be able to step outside the no-fault system to sue the other driver if:
- That driver was at fault for the accident; and
- Your own PIP coverage is not sufficient to cover your damages and losses.
For example, if your total medical expenses total $15,000 but your PIP insurance provides coverage for up to $10,000, you may be able to sue the at-fault driver to recover the remaining $5,000. Suing an at-fault driver is also beneficial because it allows you to seek compensation for damages such as:
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- And others
Speak with our Miami car accident attorneys at Pita Weber Del Prado if you exhausted your PIP coverage following a motor vehicle crash. Call 305-670-2889 to identify all available sources to get compensated for the remaining losses and damages.