Whiplash Recovery: Protecting Your Health And Your Rights In A Miami Personal Injury Claim

One of the most common types of personal injuries, whiplash often happens in car accidents, motorcycle crashes, and collisions involving bicyclists or pedestrians. It can also occur due to any type of accident involving a sudden, violent jolt or whipping of the head and neck.
Whiplash can impact you for years after but symptoms are often subtle at first. Our Miami personal injury lawyer explains what you need to know about whiplash recovery and compensation you may be entitled to.
Diagnosis And Treatment of Whiplash Injuries
Whiplash often occurs due to rear end car crashes but can happen due to any sudden jolt. If a whiplash injury is suspected, seek medical attention immediately.
Symptoms of whiplash injuries in Miami are often subtle at first and can take days or even weeks to fully appear. The Mayo Clinic advises being alert for the following:
- Pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulder region;
- Limited range of movement;
- Chronic headaches;
- Pain that radiates down the arms and into the hands;
- Tingling, numbness, and general weakness in extremities.
To diagnose whiplash, your doctor may conduct an x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computerized tomography (CT) scans. Once whiplash is diagnosed, they may prescribe anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, and mild pain relievers. Rest is generally recommended and you may need to use a neck brace for several weeks, to support muscles and tendons in the area and allow time to heal. Once you are showing signs of recovery, physical therapy can help in regaining range of motion.
Getting The Compensation You Are Entitled To In A Personal Injury Claim
When whiplash happens due to accidents caused by the negligence of others involved, you have the right to hold them accountable. Under the Florida Statutes, you have up to two years after you are injured to file a personal injury claim. This allows time to conduct an investigation into your case, uncover who is liable, and determine the severity of your whiplash injuries and how they are likely to impact you in the future.
Unfortunately, whiplash can have lasting impacts on your health and may even result in long-term disabilities. These can prevent you from working, performing daily tasks, or enjoying your favorite hobbies and activities.
Whether filing an insurance claim against the at-fault party of a personal injury lawsuit, getting the maximum amount you are entitled to helps avoid out-of-pocket costs in the future. Compensation you may be entitled to for whiplash injuries in Miami include:
- Current and future medical expenses;
- Lost wages and future losses in earnings or benefits;
- Pain and suffering;
- Lost enjoyment in life due to your injuries.
Request A Consultation With Our Miami Personal Injury Lawyer
At Pita Weber Del Prado, we help people who suffer whiplash get the compensation they need to recover. To request a consultation with our Miami personal injury lawyer, call 305-670-2889 or contact our office online today.