Who’s at Fault if Two Drivers Merge into the Same Lane and Cause a Car Accident?

In many car accidents, it is relatively easy to determine fault. However, there are some crashes where fault is not easily determined. A merging accident is one of them.
A merging accident is when two drivers merge into the same lane, and a car crash occurs. If you have been involved in a merging accident, it is advisable to consult with a Miami car accident lawyer to thoroughly investigate your case and determine fault in your crash.
Who’s at Fault in a Merging Accident?
One of the many traffic rules is that a driver attempting to merge into another lane must ensure that they can execute the maneuver safely.
If a driver crashes into another car while attempting to merge into another lane, they may be held liable for the resulting collision if their negligence caused the accident.
However, there may be multiple at-fault parties in merging accidents, especially if a crash occurred when two drivers were attempting to merge into the same lane.
Potentially Liable Parties in Merging Crashes
When a car crash occurs after two drivers attempt to merge into the same lane, there may be one or multiple liable parties, including:
- One driver. If a merging accident was the result of one driver’s negligence, that driver would be held responsible for the crash (e.g., one driver was speeding when attempting to merge).
- Both drivers. It is not uncommon for both drivers involved in a car crash to bear responsibility for the accident. Both drivers might be at fault if they failed to exercise due care when attempting to change lanes.
- Government entities. Sometimes, a merging accident has nothing to do with the negligence of either driver involved in the collision. When a roadway is in poor condition or lanes are not clearly marked, the injured parties may be able to seek compensation from the government entity responsible for the maintenance of the road.
- Other drivers. In some merging accidents, other motorists may be at fault for crashes resulting from drivers’ attempts to merge into the same lane. One of the examples is when a vehicle in front of a merging driver hits the brakes for no reason, and the driver behind merges into another lane to avoid a collision but ends up hitting another vehicle in the merging lane.
- Manufacturers of vehicles or their parts. If your merging accident is the result of your vehicle’s defect, you may be able to hold the manufacturer of the car or its part liable for the collision.
It is imperative to discuss your case with a knowledgeable car accident attorney to help you determine fault in your merging accident. A lawyer will gather all available evidence to hold the negligent party liable for the crash.
The three most common causes of merging accidents are distracted driving, speeding, and driving while intoxicated. Your Miami car accident lawyer will investigate your particular situation to determine what caused your crash and who can be held responsible for the merging accident.
Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with our attorneys at Pita Weber Del Prado in Miami to talk about your case. Call 305-670-2889 for a case review.